
By supporting the FLAME programme you are contributing to positive change across South Africa. Supporting the FLAME programme isn’t just about empowering entrepreneurs. Your contribution ripples through small businesses and out into the broader community, creating jobs and stimulating growth in local economies.



Through stakeholder funding and support, the ASISA Foundation is able to achieve the following benefits: 

1. Helps micro-enterprise owners to generate sustainable income. 

2. Helps small business owners manage and grow their businesses. 

3. Helps business owners to manage their business and personal finances better.  

4. Facilitation of greater economic participation through income generation activities.


Click here to access our FLAME brochure with further details.


Key Objectives

  • Advocate for and bring awareness to the importance of financial literacy in starting, running (managing) and growing business enterprises.
  • Enhance financial literacy and business capability through the transfer of knowledge and skills.
  • Reinforce positive behaviours and attitudes through the provision of business coaching and personal mentoring interventions.
  • Facilitate greater economic participation by supporting income generation activities through business development support interventions and facilitating access to growth opportunities (i.e. access to markets).

Target beneficiaries

  • Beneficiaries align to the Financial Sector Code (FS Code) requirements:
  • Primarily (85%) black, South African citizens – including a 40% female reach – with an income cap of R350 000 per year.
  • Small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) that qualify as Exempt Micro-Enterprises (EME) under the codes, with below R1 million in annual revenue.

Reach and impact




Benefits of working with the ASISA Foundation

The Foundation qualifies as a broad-based ownership scheme (B-BOS) as defined by the codes of good practice on broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE), gazetted under the B-BBEE Act, in terms of which at least 85% of its activities are carried out for the benefit of black persons in South Africa, of which 40% are for the benefit of black women.

Grant contributions made to the ASISA Foundation to support FLAME consumer financial education facilitate immediate 100% FSC points scoring, with the grantor (measured entity) being able to instantly recognise the full grant amount awarded.

Your contribution enables the ASISA Foundation to offer the FLAME programme to more small business owners in townships and rural communities across the country, significantly increasing the programme’s reach and impact across the country.


  • Helps micro-enterprise owners to generate sustainable income.
  • Helps small business owners manage and grow their businesses.
  • Helps business owners to manage their business and personal finances better.
  • FLAME facilitates greater economic participation through income generation activities.