Frequently asked questions (FAQS)


Why are my leave calculations incorrect on my payslip?


You will need to speak to your HR or finance office about this.


How much money can be deducted through a garnishee order?


New laws that were signed in July 2017 put a limit of the money that can be deducted, which can be no more than 25% of a worker’s salary or wages. This law however does not apply to garnishee orders that were already in place before 30 July 2017.


What is the process of issuing a garnishee order and how can I appeal or challenge the amount?


A garnishee order may be amended (changed) or withdrawn provided that the person bringing the application shows a valid reason, for example, if it is fraudulent or the balance being claimed is incorrect or the debtor cannot afford the amount stipulated in the order.

Appealing an amount of a garnishee order can be very expensive and requires applying to court. It is better to ensure that you do not give permission for a garnishee order to be issued against you.

Read all the agreements provided to you, especially if you borrow money or buy on credit. If you are not sure about something then don’t sign the agreement. Ask specifically if there is a part of the agreement that speaks about garnishee orders and ask that this is explained to you.