Frequently asked questions


How often am I supposed to receive a benefit statement?


This will often depend on the rules of your insurance scheme, but you should be able to check the status of your investments at any time by contacting either your investment house, your company broker or your HR office. You should receive a statement at least once a year.


Can children born outside marriage claim on benefits?


If you have acknowledged that you are their parent, then these children have a right to any benefits that children within a marriage have access to.


How will my beneficiaries know I have a will?


The best way for them to know is for you to tell them. You do not have to tell them what is in the will, but you should tell them that you have a will, where it is stored and who to contact in the event of your death. You should consider lodging (keeping) your will in a safe place like with your bank, an insurance company or a lawyer.