Marketing & Distribution Board Committee

Chair: Jeanette Marais
Deputy Chair: Jaco van Tonder & Yuresh Maharaj 
ASISA point person: Melanie Rossiter-Williams

This committee ensures that reforms affecting distribution models promote consumer access to financial advice and relevant and sustainable distribution. The industry supports meaningful disclosure that works effectively, however, each member needs to retain the right and ability to develop and price its own products.

Key Focus Areas

Market conduct regulatory initiatives relevant to this Board Committee

  • Review and comment on the draft regulatory instruments as and when published
  • Ongoing review and refinement of the below Standards and Guideline:

    • Retail Standard: Effective Annual Cost (EAC)
    • Retirement Savings Cost (RSC) Disclosure Standard
    • ASISA Standard: Calculation of Total Expense Ratios and Transaction Costs
    • ASISA Standard on Living Annuities
    • Income Fund Risk Disclosure Guideline



Convenor:  Shaun Duddy
ASISA point person: Melanie Rossiter-Williams

This committee focuses on ASISA members’ product disclosures and standards to consumers.

It serves to enhance ease of product comparability for consumers and treating customers fairly. This is done by reviewing and refining the above listed Standards and Guideline, and to proactively evaluate whether there are more opportunities to enhance disclosures to consumers to better enable their informed decisions.


  • Model Portfolio Disclosure Working Group
  • Default Living Annuity Standard Working Group
  • Retirement Savings Costs (RSC) Working Group
  • Open Finance Working Group

ASISA Nominations Procedure