Long-term Insurance


Death claim payout stats - 2021 to 2023

Life stats January - December 2023
Life stats January - June 2023

Note - the stats template is a sub-set of the stats which are provided by ASISA members to the Prudential Authority on a quarterly basis. 

Descriptions for statistics statements


Life stats January - December 2022

Click here to download a graph that shows key ASISA life stats between 2019-2022.

Life stats January - June 2022

Note - the stats template is a sub-set of the stats which are provided by ASISA members to the Prudential Authority on a quarterly basis. 

Descriptions for statistics statements


Life stats - January to December 2021
Life stats January - June 2021

Note - the stats template is a sub-set of the stats which are provided by ASISA members to the Prudential Authority on a quarterly basis. 

Descriptions for statistics statements


Life stats January - June 2020
Life stats July - December 2020
Life stats - full year 2020

Note - the stats template is a sub-set of the stats which are provided by ASISA members to the Prudential Authority on a quarterly basis. 

Descriptions for statistics statements


Life stats July - December 2019
Descriptions for statistics statements
Life stats January - June 2019

ASISA members have completely changed the way they report ASISA Life Insurance statistics for January to June 2019. ASISA now receives a sub-set of the information provided to the Prudential Authority, which is aggregated and represented here. We have not issued a media release on this set of statistics given that there are no comparative figures to date.